The Product and Services Accessibility Act will come into effect on June 28, 2025. Leading companies are already auditing their products and services to understand how to offer good accessibility to their customers.
UX Estonia is pleased to have had the opportunity to support Elisa in several accessibility projects, from self-service portals to TV services. Many thanks to Viljar Vahter and Saale Truu for sharing Elisa’s experiences at the accessibility seminar.

We would also like to thank Hanna Rattasepp, Elina Jõgi, and Käthriin Lilp from the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority for their presentations on the accessibility of services, products, and buildings.

A big thank you to Jakob Rosin and the Ligipääsuke / Sparrow Access team for organizing the seminar “What obligations does the Product and Services Accessibility Act bring to companies?” and for the ongoing collaboration.

Considering accessibility helps to create a more inclusive society with equal opportunities, which, in turn, can bring more customers to your products and services.