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UX/UI design journey from user research to low- and high-fidelity prototyping! 

Photo collage from our workshop including pictures from low- and high-fidelity prototype designs, the participants actively listening to the presentation, a group photo of the team etc.
Our UX/UI & Product Designer Artur Puiste (presenting on the top right image) with the wonderful Primend team.  

Last week, we had the fantastic opportunity to conduct user research and prototyping workshop for the creative minds at Primend. ✨ 

We journeyed through the exciting process of user research, all the way to sketching out low- and high-fidelity prototypes. It was all about putting theory into practice to design products with great user experience. 🚀

A huge shout-out to the Primend team for your active participation and enthusiasm. 🙏 

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